[ENGLISH] Blue Samurai Wins Inter-university Football in Asia

It was Saturday afternoon. Watching the afternoon's football game wasn't boring during all the game. Not even for a second did the audience's eyes turn to another point of view. All eyes were on the green grass and where the ball was headed. Almost no time for the ball itself to rest. It followed the step and run of the players in what seemed pink uniforms on one side and blue uniforms on another side everywhere. It's really a match that attracts attention and was a really enjoyable match to watch.

Singing National anthem of both countries (melipirnews.com)

Yes, the afternoon of Saturday, June 8, 2024, is the final match of the 2024 Asian University Football Tournament (AUFT) which was held at the UKM Stadium, Selangor, Malaysia. This year Malaysia is hosting country. There are not many Asian countries that send teams, namely hosts Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Oman, South Korea and Japan. They are divided into two groups. The tournament started on June 1 and ended with the final that afternoon.

On the green grass of the stadium no pond of water was found when it rained in the middle of the match, the Asian football giants met that afternoon. South Korea against Japan. Since the kick-off whistle, attacks have occurred on two camps. Even though the average South Korean player is stockier and taller, the team from Shin Tae Yong's country must recognize Japan's might. In Sakura country, even though the players are not very tall, their physique is very strong and agile. It is proven that when they had the ball, they were on average difficult to take over and did not lose body charge to South Korean players.

Japan finally won the match. The goal came from a header from Japanese striker number 9, Hiroki Maezawa, in the first half of the 33rd minute. Since conceding 1 goal, South Korea has continued to attack Japan's defense. One of South Korea's best chances came when one of its players hit the post. For the rest, Japan's defenses were difficult to be penetrated by South Korean boys. Plus, the Japanese goalkeeper performed very well that afternoon. The 1-0 position lasted until the end of the match.

AUFT is a football tournament that brings together selected players from various campuses from participating countries in Asia. This event is not recorded by the FIFA and AFC agendas. AUFT stands alone under the umbrella of the Asian University Sport Federation (AUSF) which was founded in 1992. Indonesia is one of its founders along with nine other countries.

The organizer of this year, namely the UKM Sports Center, said that this tournament is held every year. "Next year, if I'm not mistaken, Vietnam will be the host," explained Encik Ahmad, an employee of the SME Sports Center interviewed by MN, on Wednesday, 12/06/2024. He continued; the host country only took turns from each participant who also competed in Malaysia.

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