[ENGLISH] Being Thrilled by Real Pluralism Chapter at Stesen Bas Nilai, Malaysia

Suddenly someone who had been walking back and forth carrying a stick and wearing a turban asked what time it was. 
After that, asked again where you were going. After getting the answer, he rushed to swing his steps towards the bus which was stopping in a lane to wait for departure time. Not long after, the man who was old enough reappeared and said that the bus was going to Seremban, not to KLIA airport. At the end of the conversation, the man, who was easily identified as of South Asian descent and a Sikh man, offered coffee candy that was taken out of his pocket and it turned out that the coffee candy was very familiar because it was made in Indonesia; Kopiko.

Stesen Bas Nilai, Negeri Sembilan (www.klia2.info)

Afternoon time at the bus terminal Nilai in mid-June 2024 was very busy. Looking around the place, the people in this station area were not much different from the man who had offered the candy, namely people of South Asian descent. They chatted to one another. Probably, one can guess that some of them are taxi drivers who had been waiting for passenger orders. Not far from the group, the taxi cars that looked dull in color were neatly lined up. Such a portrait of a type of public transportation that has been invaded by the current trend of public transportation, but wanted to continue to fight. The taxis were also willing to haggle over the price. That said, the price ranges according to the price of the rental car via the application.

A group of young people were also no less crowded at the different corners of the bus terminal. They were waiting for the bus. It could be seen from their appearance that they were private employees. Amid the crowd of young people, several people of East Asian descent were also seen. They chatted to one another. Some people with brown skin wearing headscarves sat in other corners.

Walking at the end of this station, students were clearly gathered on the terrace of a franchise shop that several years ago closed its outlets in Indonesia; 7 Eleven. There was a food shop there too next to the store. They were seen pampering their stomachs by enjoying menus from the shop or from the convenience store. The students who wore such a uniform also have various skin colors, and wearing hijab.

The physical character as a complement to the cosmopolitan city that characterizes the Negeri Sembilan area of Malaysia must also not be abandoned. A restaurant that provides a trending kandhar rice menu in Malaysia was being visible across the street. There was also biryani rice provided there. Interestingly, opposite to the restaurant which opens 23 hours, a school can be seen standing under a foundation of Malaysian Chinese descent called Kuo Min. This school provides education from kindergarten to high school.

The plurality of bus terminals stood along with views of shops, and outdated parts of buildings. The ticket sales counter also looked as it was. No air-conditioner was available and the room wasn't that spacious. However, multiracial faces and skin tones clearly surrounded the small room.

As soon as the bus leaves the terminal, a sense of pluralism can still be seen on either side of the road with the discovery of different places of worship. On Jalan Besar Value, for example, one can find a fairly large Hindu temple, Arulmigu Subramaniar temple.

This view, such as that found at the Stesen bas Nilai, Negeri Sembilan and its surrounding area, indicates how multiethnic one of the areas in Malaysia is. The bus continued to be driven by a woman of Chinese descent after previously being driven by a man of Indian descent.

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