[ENGLISH] The Secret Behind China's Progress

His short name is Wang. The comrade, who is often seen bare-chested when he is in his room in a student dormitory complex at a big campus in Malaysia, is very proud of the running of his country's political and government system which is based on communism. The problem is not former Soviet Union or North Korean communism which is said to have occurred in his country. In contrast, in current China communism pursues capital and increases levels of prosperity colossally.

A Chinese temple in Purwokerto, Indonesia (melipirnews.com)

It is clear that the command applies singly and centrally. At every level of government area from village to national there is a commander and command following the central command. However, it is not a story of misfortune like the North Korean people as a result of the implementation of communism. In his opinion, it seemed like there was no more horror about communism. His story about progress in his country regarding economic development, political stability, infrastructure development, and investment of his country abroad, the spirit of his country's human resources, achieved by a country with a population of 1.6 billion people, made the listeners feel discouraged, perhaps.

There are not many holidays in his country. Only 7 days during Chinese New Year (Chinese New Year) specifically. Everyone has to work all year round and the country really cares about the needs of its citizens. Including if someone wants to study abroad.

Like he himself who is now completing his doctoral dissertation, he was supported by his government. Even though he is already 50 years old, it is not an obstacle to getting a scholarship from the Chinese government. Moreover, his profession is as a lecturer at a government campus. He was surprised when he found some lecturers were studying but still working at the same time.

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His government's enthusiasm for supporting education is congruent with the position of universities in the country, which he said, on average achieve in the world's top universities, pointing to various world campus indexers, such as Times Higher Education (THE), Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), and Quacquarelli Symonds Top Universities (QS).

Obviously, he only respects one campus in the Southeast Asia region, namely NUS in Singapore. According to him, others are still below the top campuses in his country. In a humble tone, he said the campus he works for is only at level four. When asked back, why does he study here? The answer is because the cost is cheaper. Cheaper than studying in the West, with quite good campus quality. According to him, young people who are brilliant and fluent in English have been automatically sent by the Chinese government to European and North American campuses. He himself completed his master's degree in England.

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Even though he was proud of his country's achievements, he really didn't like Mao Tze Tung. Not because of the figure who stuck the nails of communism in his country, but because of this figure, around 30 million people lost their lives, either directly or indirectly. Because of Mao, cultural heritage was almost destroyed in his country, due to the policy of cultural revolution. Trying to remember the political situation in Indonesia in the late 1960s, which claimed around half a million lives, with a deep sigh, he regretted why Mao had not tried to prevent it.

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